Standard for UV Sterilization and Disinfection Dose Requirements 2020-09-04 18:24:23

Surface Disinfection of Article

1.Killing a general bacteria propagators : irradiation dose shall be up to 10000uW.s/cm2

2.Bacterial spores killing : reach 100000W.s/cm2

3.Killing viruses : intermediate between a bacterial propagator and a bud

4.Killing fungal spores : above bacterial spores, sometimes 600000W.s/cm2 (pathogenic fungi are generally less resistant to UV radiation than bacterial spores)

5.Killing of unknown target microorganisms : not less than 100000W.s/cm2 (source : Technical Specification for Disinfection)

6.Kill Escherichia coli : 20000W.s/cm2

7.Kill bacillus sub-tills black variant spores : 100000W.s/cm2

(GB 15981-1995 Evaluation Method and Standard of Disinfection and Sterilization Effect)

UVC LED UV Sterilization Tool for Water Disinfection

Indoor Air Disinfection

1.Direct illumination

A.Indoor unmanned condition, suspended or mobile type

B.UV disinfection lamps (30W UV lamps, >70W/cm2 of intensity at 1.0 meter) shall be installed indoors with a average of not less than 1.5W/m3 and exposure time of not less than 30min.

2.Indirect illumination

A.The first choice is high intensity ultraviolet air sterilizer

B.Generally, power-on disinfection can be qualified for disinfection within 30 minutes (source : Disinfection Technical Specification)

3.Disinfect water and other liquids

A.Irradiation in the water or water external exposure

B.The water layer thickness should be less than 2cm

C.Water flow velocity is determined according to the intensity of UV light source (source : Technical Specifications for Disinfection)

Portable UV Sterilizer Light Disinfection Product for Surface Sterilization

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