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Multi band ultraviolet irradiance meter

2024-04-30 17:58:18

If you have light sources that emit UVA, UVB, UVC, and UVV wavelengths, and you're struggling to choose an instrument to measure the irradiance and energy of these devices, congratulations! DSXUV happens to have launched a product just for that purpose.

The DSXUVUV strength Meter 5800 series is widely used in various industries in the UV field. It offers multiple options for selecting different UV wavelengths and can measure real-time power, peak power, average power, minimum power, and energy value of UV light sources. It allows users to test different regions of UV light sources and evaluate their uniformity. The instrument is designed for simple and quick operation, providing accurate measurements of different light source intensities.

Multiple Probe Options

The Ultraviolet illuminance meter instrument is divided into a main unit and a probe. With the same main unit, it can be equipped with multiple probe options to meet different user needs. The instrument uses digital probes with a plug-and-play design, allowing for easy insertion and immediate use, thereby catering to a wider range of applications.

Multi band ultraviolet irradiance meter

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