Parameter Characteristics of UV Light 2018-04-13 15:43:24

The effect of the UV lamp can be fully and accurately connected with four properties, UV spectrum distribution radiation and infrared radiation.

1.UV Spectral distribution

It describes the wavelength distribution of radiation energy or the radiation energy reaching the surface as one of the emission wavelength functions of the lamp tube. In order to show the distribution of UV energy, spectral energy can be combined into a spectrum band of 10nm to form a distribution table. This allows the comparison between different UV lamps and more easily spectral energy and power calculations.Lamp manufacturers publish data on the spectral distribution of their products. A multispectral band - ray detector is used to characterize the spectral radiance or radiation. They obtained the relative information useful for the spectral distribution by sampling the radiation energy in the band with a relatively narrow range of 20~60nm. It is possible, but difficult, to compare the different manufacturers' X-ray detectors.There is no such standard for comparison between models and manufacturers.

2.UV Irradiance

Irradiance is the radiation power that reaches the surface unit area. Irradiance, expressed as per square centimeter watt or howar. It varies with the output power, efficiency, the focus of the reflection system and the distance to the surface. It is the characteristic of the lamp tube and geometry, so it has nothing to do with speed. The high intensity and peak focusing power directly under the UV lamp refer to "peak radiant intensity". Irradiation levels include all the factors associated with power, efficiency, radiation output, reflectivity, and focusing on the size and geometry of the bulb. Due to the absorption characteristics of UV curable materials, less light energy reaches the surface than the surface. The curing conditions in these areas may vary significantly. Materials with thick optical thickness (or high absorption or physical structure, or both) may reduce light efficiency, leading to insufficient solidification of the material. In inks or coatings, higher radiation levels provide relatively high levels of light energy.The depth of solidification is more influenced by radiation than longer exposure time (radiation). The effects of irradiation are more important for films with high absorbency (high opacity). High irradiation levels allow for less light triggers.The increase of photon density increases the collision of photonic - light trigger, which compensates for the decrease of the concentration of photo-trigger. This is effective for thicker coatings, because the surface layer - the light trigger absorbs and blocks the same wavelength of light triggering molecules that reach deep.

3.UV Radiation Energy

It refers to the radiation energy reaching the surface unit area. UV Radiation Energy is the amount of photons arriving at the surface (and irradiation is the rate of arrival). In any given light source, the amount of radiation is inversely proportional to the amount of exposure. The amount of radiation is the cumulative amount of radiation, which is expressed in Joules per square centimetre or by miliJoules. Unfortunately, there is no information about radiation or spectral content that is measured by radiation. It is only the accumulation of the surface energy that is exposed. The significance of this is that it is the only feature that includes velocity parameters and exposure time parameters.

4.Infrared Radiation Density

Infrared radiation is mainly the Infrared Energy emitted by the quartz bubbles of UV source.Infrared energy and UV energy are collected together and focused on the working surface. This depends on IR's reflectivity and the efficiency of the reflector. IR energy can be converted to a unit of radiation or radiation. But usually, the surface temperature that it produces is the important thing to be noticed. The heat it produces can be harmful or beneficial.There are many techniques for solving the relationship between temperature and IR with UV lamp. It can be divided into reduced emission, transmission and control of heat movement. The emission reduction is achieved by using a small diameter bulb, because it is the surface area of hot quartz that emits almost all of the IR. The reduction in delivery can be achieved by using a colorized reflector (cold mirror) behind the lamp tube. Or use a hot mirror between the lamp tube and the target.Heat removal lowers the target's temperature - but only after the IR has caused the temperature rise - and can be used to control the movement of heat with cold air or heat dissipation devices. IR energy absorption is determined by the material itself - ink, coating or substrate. Velocity has a significant effect on the temperature of the incoming IR energy and the energy absorbed by the working surface. The faster the process, the less IR energy is absorbed, causing the temperature to rise.The process of production can be speeded up by improving efficiency.

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